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Why buy lab created gemstones

For centuries, the love of gemstones has always been there. They are loved for their style and beauty. However, many people are unable to buy the gemstones because they are highly priced. Luckily, scientists are able to create most of the gems in the labs. Thus, the gems are not more accessible to buyers.


Lab created padparadscha sapphire gemstones are not imitations of the natural gems. There are many reasons why there is an increasing number of people who are buying the lab created gemstones. Here are just some of the reasons why the lab gemstones are popular.

Identical gemstone

The lab created white sapphire gemstones are have identical mineral composition as the real gemstone. Thus, it is not easy for someone who is not a professional to identify the difference. The lab created gemstones go through a finely honed process which simulates the high pressure found on the earth’s surface. Scientists can duplicate the chemical qualities and appearances of the lab grown gemstones. The synthetic stones will be similar in composition, color, luster and hardness.

Variety of colors

Scientists can create gemstone in different colors. The lab created diamonds will have slightly different colors such as vibrant yellow and brilliant blue. The lab crated gemstones give you the opportunity to get the stones in the size and color of your choice. You can customize your jewelry using specific colors than you would have done using the real gemstones.

Unlimited supply

The mined gemstones are usually limited in supply since they follow the earth’s process. The process takes years for heat and pressure to reach below the earth’s surface. Thus, they are not formed rapidly. The natural supply of the real gemstone gets depleted as miners get to the gems and sell them. That is not the case with lab created white sapphire. The lab grown gems are created quicker since it is done in the labs and not have to wait for the earth’s process. The supply will only end when the scientists stop creating the gemstones.

Environmental awareness

Mining gemstones involves a massive operation. It needs a large area of land for the process to take place. Thus, it destroys the natural habitat for animals, insects and plants. Using laboratories to create gems means working in a controlled area and using limited resources. It means that fewer animals and plants will be affected by lab created ruby and lab emerald and lab created sapphire.

Affordable prices

The natural gems are always highly price than lab grown white sapphire. When buying the natural gemstones, you will have to pay for the process of locating the gemstones and mining them. The process will no doubt be costly. For the lab grown sapphire gemstones, you only have to pay for the laboratory process. You can choose the stone which is perfect for your jewelry and have to create from scratch. You will still have the same look and feel of the real gem but paying the price for the lab created sapphire price.